Day Six: Reading a New Book Every Day to My 5-Month-Old

Love it! — Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr.

Elizabeth Demolat
1 min readDec 18, 2022
Photo taken by article’s author

Another day of reading with my baby. To see a quick explanation of this series, check out Day 1.

Today, we’re reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr.

The Review: Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See is a classic children’s book written by Bill Martin Jr and illustrated by Eric Carle. I feel like everyone is familiar with this book, but if you’re not, it basically goes through different animals in different colors. There’s just something so good about the repetition of the words on each page, and of course, the illustrations are amazing.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear is one of the books I read with my elementary students while teaching English in France, so it’s incredibly special to be reading the book to my own child now. I anticipate that we’ll be reading this book on a regular basis for years. I just love it.

Rating: 5/5



Elizabeth Demolat

Lover of books, adventures, friends, dancing, muffins, France, camp fires, and Ole Miss. And, I teach.