Day Eight: Reading a New Book Every Day to My 5-Month-Old

At it again — Baby Sounds by Joy Allen

Elizabeth Demolat
1 min readDec 20, 2022
Photo taken by article’s author

Another book, another day of reading with my baby. To see a quick explanation of this series, check out Day 1.

Today, we’re reading Baby Sounds by Joy Allen.

The Review: Baby Sounds by Joy Allen

This book came to us thanks to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, and I’m so excited that Tennessee has such a great resource available to all families. Baby Sounds has text in both English and Spanish and introduces babies to sounds made by different objects. There’s no story, you just read out the sounds.

Do I feel a little silly telling a baby that a cat goes meow and keys go jingle? Yes, because I expect half expect her to say the sounds as well thanks to my time working with preschoolers. I probably wouldn’t have chosen this book at a bookstore because it’s so simple and repetitive, but that’s also probably exactly what a baby actually needs from their first books. Plus, I feel like we’re going to absolutely love this book once the little one is ready to repeat sounds!

Rating: 4/5



Elizabeth Demolat

Lover of books, adventures, friends, dancing, muffins, France, camp fires, and Ole Miss. And, I teach.